Market Segmentation Survey
For EdTech Industry

Discover diverse educational preferences with our EdTech Industry’s Market Segmentation Survey. Bring insights on educational status, motivations, demographics, technological comfort and learning preferences from your target market.

Market Segmentation Survey For EdTech Industry

1. Which of the following best describes your current educational status? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ High School Student
□ College/University Student
□ Working Professional
□ Job Seeker
□ Retired
□ Other (Please specify)

2. What is your primary motivation for seeking educational resources or courses? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Advancing career prospects
□ Personal skill development
□ Learning for academic purposes
□ Exploring new interests or hobbies
□ Other (Please specify)

3. Which age group do you belong to? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Under 18
○ 18-24
○ 25-34
○ 35-44
○ 45-54
○ 55-64
○ 65 or above

4. What level of education have you completed? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ High School or equivalent
○ Associate’s degree or some college
○ Bachelor’s degree
○ Master’s degree
○ Doctorate or professional degree
○ Other (Please specify)

5. In which industry or field do you work or aspire to work? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Technology
○ Healthcare
○ Finance/Business
○ Education
○ Creative Arts
○ Other (Please specify)

6. How comfortable are you with using technology for learning purposes? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Very comfortable
○ Comfortable
○ Neutral
○ Uncomfortable
○ Very uncomfortable

7. Which devices do you primarily use for accessing online educational content? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Laptop/Desktop
□ Smartphone/Tablet
□ Work/School Computer
□ Other (Please specify): [Open-ended]

8. Do you prefer learning individually or in a group setting? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Individual learning
○ Group learning
○ No preference

9. Which learning format do you prefer the most for online education? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Video-based lectures
○ Text-based content
○ Interactive multimedia lessons
○ Live or interactive classes
○ Other (Please specify)

10. Any additional information or comments that you would like to share to help <Your Brand> understand different target groups? (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________________