Advertising Effectiveness Survey For
Banking And Financial Services Industry
Explore this advertising campaign effectiveness survey template for the banking and financial industry. This survey aims to examine audience exposure, recall frequency, memorable aspects, brand engagement elements and suggestions for improvement.
Advertising Effectiveness Survey For
Banking & Financial Services Industry
1. Where have you recently seen or heard about <Your Brand>’s advertising? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Television commercials
□ Social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)
□ Online banners or advertisements
□ Radio advertisements
□ Billboards or outdoor ads
□ Sponsorships at events
□ Word of mouth
2. How frequently have you encountered <Your Brand>’s advertisements in the past month? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Multiple times a day
○ Daily
○ Several times a week
○ Once a week
○ Rarely or never
3. Which aspects of <Your Brand>’s recent advertising campaign do you remember or resonate with?
(MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Catchy slogan or jingle
□ Visual design or aesthetics
□ Clear message about services/products offered
□ Testimonials or customer stories
□ Call-to-action (e.g., visit website, call now)
□ Others (Please specify)
4. Do you feel more informed about <Your Brand>’s services/products after seeing/hearing its recent advertising? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Yes, significantly
○ Yes, somewhat
○ No, not really
○ I’m not sure
5. Have you taken any action as a result of <Your Brand>’s recent advertising?(MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Visited <Your Brand>’s website
□ Contacted <Your Brand> for information
□ Considered using <Your Brand>’s services/products
□ Shared information about <Your Brand> with others
□ None of the above
6.On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to consider using <Your Brand> after seeing/hearing its recent advertising? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ 1 – Very unlikely
○ 2 – Unlikely
○ 3 – Neutral
○ 4 – Likely
○ 5 – Very likely
7.What could be improved in <Your Brand>’s recent advertising campaign to make it more effective? (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________
8. Which specific elements of <Your Brand>’s advertising do you find most appealing or engaging? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Humor
□ Emotional appeal
□ Informative content
□ Visual storytelling
□ Celebrity endorsements
□ Others (Please specify)
9.How memorable do you find <Your Brand>’s recent advertising compared to its competitors? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Humor
○ Emotional appeal
○ Informative content
○ Visual storytelling
○ Celebrity endorsements
○ Others (Please specify)
10. If you could change one thing about <Your Brand>’s recent advertising to better capture your attention, what would it be?(Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________