Brand Awareness Survey For
Media And Entertainment Industry

Explore this brand awareness survey template for the media and entertainment industry. This survey aims
to assess the engagement frequency, content preferences, and perception of your brand, including recommendations, influencing factors and future engagement likelihood.

Brand Awareness Survey For
Media And Entertainment Industry

1. How often do you engage with <Your Brand> content? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Daily
○ Weekly
○ Monthly
○ Rarely
○ Never

2. Where do you primarily encounter <Your Brand>’s content? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Television
□ Social Media
□ Streaming Platforms
□ Movie Theaters
□ Radio
□ Print Media
□ Other (Please specify)

3. When you think about entertainment options, which brands come to mind? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Netflix
□ Disney
□ Amazon Prime Video
□ Spotify
□ Hulu
□ <Your Brand>
□ Other (Please specify)

4. How likely are you to recommend <Your Brand> to a friend or family member? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Very Likely
○ Likely
○ Neutral
○ Unlikely
○ Very Unlikely

5. What influences your decision to engage with content from <Your Brand>? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Quality of Content
□ Celebrity Endorsements
□ Reviews and Ratings
□ Recommendations from Friends/Family
□ Advertising
□ Variety of Content
□ Other (Please specify)

6. How familiar are you with <Your Brand>’s different offerings or shows? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Extremely familiar
○ Quite familiar
○ Moderately familiar
○ Slightly familiar
○ Not familiar at all

7. Which of the following words or phrases do you associate with <Your Brand>? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Innovative
□ Trendsetter
□ Entertaining
□ Educational
□ Engaging
□ Iconic
□ Reliable
□ None of these

8. What improvements or additions would you like to see from <Your Brand>? (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________

9. On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to engage with <Your Brand> in the next month? (Rating Scale)
○ 1 highly unlikely
○ 2
○ 3
○ 4
○ 5
○ 6
○ 7
○ 8
○ 9
○ 1 extremely likely

10. What specific content or features from <Your Brand> do you find most appealing? (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________