Pricing Strategy Survey
For SaaS industry

Explore pricing insights and customer preferences with our Pricing Strategy Survey, tailored for the SaaS industry. Gather feedback on pricing models, value perceptions, and willingness to invest in your brand’s product/service.

Pricing Strategy Survey For SaaS industry

1. How much would you be willing to pay for a premium version of <Your Brand>’s product/service on a monthly basis? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ $0 – $20
○ $21 – $50
○ $51 – $100
○ $101 – $200
○ More than $200

2. What pricing model would you prefer for <Your Brand>’s offerings? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Monthly Subscription
□ Annual Subscription
□ One-time Purchase
□ Usage-Based (Pay-as-you-go)
□ Freemium (Free with Premium Features)
□ Other (Please specify)

3. Which of the following factors would influence your willingness to pay for <Your Brand>’s product/service? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Features/Functionalities
□ Reliability/Performance
□ Customer Support
□ Brand Reputation
□ Competitive Pricing
□ Other (Please specify)

4. Would you consider paying more for additional features or an expanded service offering from <Your Brand>? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Yes
○ No

5. Which pricing tier do you believe offers the best value for <Your Brand>’s product/service? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Basic Tier (Lowest Price)
○ Standard Tier (Mid-range Price)
○ Premium Tier (Highest Price)
○ Unsure/Not Applicable

6. How do you perceive <Your Brand>’s pricing compared to its competitors? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ More Affordable
○ About the Same
○ More Expensive

7. Would you be willing to participate in a loyalty program or commit to a longer-term subscription for a discount with <Your Brand>? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Yes
○ No

8. What factors, if any, might prevent you from paying for <Your Brand>’s product/service at its current price point? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ High Cost
□ Lack of Necessary Features
□ Availability of Free Alternatives
□ Uncertainty about Value for Money
□ Other (Please specify): [Open-Ended]

9. What additional features or improvements would justify a higher price for <Your Brand>’s product/service? (Open-Ended)
Ans: ________________________________________

10. Demographic Information: (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Age
○ Gender
○ Male
○ Female
○ Other
○ Occupation
○ Location