Ad Creative Testing Survey For
Apparel And Fashion Industry

Explore this survey template for advertising creative comparison or the Apparel and Fashion Industry.
This survey aims to compare recall, effectiveness, and emotional resonance of ads and grab insights on elements that leave a lasting impression.

Ad Creative Testing Survey For Apparel & Fashion Industry

1. Have you recently encountered any advertisements for <Your Brand> in the form of images or videos? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Yes, I’ve seen image ads
□ Yes, I’ve seen video ads
□ No, I haven’t seen any ads
□ I don’t recall

2. Out of the two types of ads (images or videos) you’ve seen for <Your Brand>, which do you recall more vividly? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Image ads
○ Video ads
○ I don’t recall

3. What elements do you remember the most from the image ads of <Your Brand>? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Logo or brand name placement
□ Product(s) displayed
□ Catchy tagline or slogan
□ Color scheme or aesthetics
□ Emotions or feelings evoked
□ Others

4. Which type of ad do you believe effectively communicates the brand message and values? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Image ads
○ Video ads
○ Both equally
○ I’m not sure

5. Select the emotions or reactions evoked by the video ads of <Your Brand>. (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Happiness
□ Inspiration
□ Excitement
□ Connection with the brand story
□ Desire to explore more about the brand
□ Others

6. Based on your preferences, which ad format (image or video) would you be more likely to engage with or share with others? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Image ads
○ Video ads
○ Neither
○ I’m not sure

7. Describe one thing you liked about the image ads of <Your Brand>. (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________________

8. Describe one thing you liked about the video ads of <Your Brand> (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________________

9. Select the ad format you believe would better attract new customers to <Your Brand>. (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Image ads
○ Video ads
○ Both equally
○ I’m not sure

10. What improvements or changes would you suggest for the advertising creative of <Your Brand>? (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________________