Advertising Effectiveness Survey
For Healthtech Industry
The HealthTech industry conducts advertising effectiveness surveys to measure marketing impact. These surveys identify successful strategies to optimize ad spends. Collect data to ensure that the messages resonate with target audiences and increase ROI.
Advertising Effectiveness Survey For Healthtech Industry
1. How did you become aware of <Your Brand>’s recent advertising campaign? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Television commercials
□ Social media advertisements
□ Online banners or display ads
□ Sponsored content on websites
□ Email newsletters or marketing
□ Other (Please specify)
2. How frequently have you encountered <Your Brand>’s advertisements in the past month? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Multiple times a day
○ Daily
○ A few times a week
○ Rarely
○ Not at all
3. Which aspect of <Your Brand>’s advertising campaign do you remember the most? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Catchy slogan or tagline
○ Compelling visuals or imagery
○ Key message or product features highlighted
○ Emotional appeal or storytelling
○ Other (Please specify)
4. How likely are you to engage with <Your Brand> or explore its offerings after seeing its advertisements? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Very likely
○ Likely
○ Neutral
○ Unlikely
○ Very unlikely
5. Which platform/channel did you find the most influential in conveying <Your Brand>’s advertising message? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Television
○ Social media
○ Website banners or ads
○ Email newsletters
○ Other (Please specify)
6. What action, if any, did you take after seeing <Your Brand>’s advertisement? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Visited the website
□ Followed <Your Brand> on social media
□ Researched more about <Your Brand> online
□ Shared the advertisement with friends or family
□ Made a purchase or used <Your Brand>’s services
□ Other (Please specify)
7. On a scale of 1 to 5, how persuasive or influential did you find <Your Brand>’s advertisements? (Rating Scale)
○ 1
○ 2
○ 3
○ 4
○ 5
8. How accurately do you think <Your Brand>’s advertisements represented the benefits of its products/services? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Extremely accurately
○ Very accurately
○ Moderately accurately
○ Slightly accurately
○ Not accurately at all
9. Do you recall any specific message or tagline from <Your Brand>’s recent advertising campaign? If yes, please share it. (Open-ended)
Ans: _______________________________________________
10. Is there anything in particular that you feel could have made <Your Brand>’s advertising campaign more effective or memorable? (Open-ended)
Ans: _______________________________________________