Advertising Effectiveness Survey
For Marketplaces Industry

Assess how effective your ad campaigns are. Use this ad effectiveness survey for the marketplace industry.  Find out if people recall your brand among competitors. Use the responses to construct captivating digital campaigns.

Advertising Effectiveness Survey For Marketplaces Industry

1. Have you recently seen or heard advertisements for <Your Brand>? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ a. Yes
○ b. No

2. Where have you encountered advertisements for <Your Brand>? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ a. Social media platforms (Specify: ________________)
□ b. Television
□ c. Online video platforms (Specify: ________________)
□ d. Radio
□ e. Print media (Newspapers/Magazines)
□ f. Other (Specify: ________________)

3.Do you recall the main message or theme of <Your Brand>’s recent advertisements? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ a. Yes, I remember it clearly
○ b. Partially, I remember some aspects
○ c. No, I don’t recall the message

4. Which aspect of <Your Brand>’s advertisement catches your attention the most? (MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ a. Visual elements (Images, design)
□ b. Slogan or tagline
□ c. Emotional appeal
□ d. Promotions or discounts highlighted
□ e. Product or service demonstration
□ f. Other (Specify: ________________)

5. How often do you feel compelled to take action (e.g., visit the website, make a purchase) after seeing <Your Brand>’s advertisements? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ a. Very often
○ b. Often
○ c. Sometimes
○ d. Rarely
○ e. Never

6. Which platform or medium do you find most influential for <Your Brand>’s advertisements? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ a. Social media platforms
○ b. Television
○ c. Online video platforms
○ d. Radio
○ e. Print media
○ f. Other (Specify: ________________)

7. What improvements would you suggest to make <Your Brand>’s advertisements more effective? (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________

8. Do you feel <Your Brand>’s advertisements effectively communicate its products/services and value proposition? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ a. Yes, very effectively
○ b. Somewhat effectively
○ c. Neutral
○ d. Not very effectively
○ e. Not at all effectively

9.What factors, if any, would make you more likely to engage with <Your Brand>’s advertisements? (MCQ-Single Selection)

□ a. Clear call-to-action
□ b. Entertaining content
□ c. Relevance to my needs/interests
□ d. Interactive elements
□ e. Other (Specify: ________________)

10. Open-ended question: How could <Your Brand>’s advertising campaigns better resonate with your preferences and needs? (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________