Customer Satisfaction Survey For
Food And Beverage Industry
Understand customer satisfaction metrics with this survey template for the food and beverage industry. This survey aims to capture brand usage frequency, product satisfaction, customer interactions with social media accounts and suggestions on product improvement.
Customer Satisfaction Survey For Food & Beverage Industry
1. How frequently do you purchase or use products from <Your Brand>? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Daily
○ Weekly
○ Monthly
○ Rarely/Never
2. Which of the following aspects of <Your Brand> do you appreciate the most? (Select all options that apply)
(MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Product Quality
□ Variety of Offerings
□ Customer Service
□ Pricing
□ Convenience of Purchase
3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the overall quality of <Your Brand>’s products and services?
(MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ 1 (Very Dissatisfied)
□ 2 (Dissatisfied)
□ 3 (Neutral)
□ 4 (Satisfied)
□ 5 (Very Satisfied)
4. How likely are you to recommend <Your Brand> to friends or family?
(MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Extremely Likely
○ Likely
○ Neutral
○ Unlikely
○ Extremely Unlikely
5. Which of the following areas do you believe <Your Brand> could improve upon? (Select all options that apply)
(MCQ-Multiple Selection)
□ Product Availability
□ Speed of Delivery
□ Customer Support
□ Packaging
□ Product Innovation
6. What do you think sets <Your Brand> apart from its competitors?(Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________________
7. How often do you interact with <Your Brand>’s social media channels or website? (MCQ-Single Selection)
○ Daily
○ Weekly
○ Monthly
○ Rarely/Never
8. Which promotional activities or marketing campaigns of <Your Brand> do you find most engaging or appealing? (Select all options that apply)
○ Social Media Contests
○ Email Newsletters
○ Discounts/Coupons
○ Influencer Collaborations
○ Limited Edition/Seasonal Offerings
9. In your opinion, what new products or services would you like to see from <Your Brand>? (Open-ended)
Ans: ___________________________________________________
10. How did you first learn about <Your Brand>?
(MCQ-Multiple Selection)
○ Television Advertisements
○ Social Media
○ Word-of-mouth
○ In-store Promotions
○ Online Ads