6 Benefits of Multilingual Surveys in CX

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    There are over 7000 languages in the world today. Despite this, many organisations still conduct customer feedback surveys in English. This brings a massive barrier when you have a global audience. While 20% of the world speaks in English, various countries still speak in their native language. While survey designs are simple to answer, you might not get the response rate due to the language barrier. Don’t miss out on people who might share valuable insights in different languages. Switch to multi-lingual survey questionnaires and identify business opportunities.

    In this blog, we discuss the benefits of multilingual surveys and the best practices when creating such a survey.

    What are Multilingual Surveys?

    A survey that has a questionnaire in two more languages is known as a multilingual survey.When creating a multi-language survey, you can target non-English speakers. 

    While catering to a global audience, ensure that your customer feedback survey is easy to understand. While translating a survey, you can use Google API tools or a translation tool for accuracy. There could be words that might not fit the context or feel complicated in a questionnaire. Some words might be translated literally which might make it difficult for respondents to understand.

    Benefits of Multilingual Surveys for Customer Feedback Collection

    Explore the 6 advantages of offering a multi-language survey while bringing in insights from your target audience.

    1. Get accurate and genuine responses from people

    When customers provide feedback in their native language, they are more likely to provide thoughtful and accurate responses. This is where you can witness the benefits of multilingual surveys. By offering surveys in various languages, businesses can ensure that customers are comfortable and confident while providing feedback. This, in turn, leads to higher quality responses that are more representative of their opinions.

    2. Get higher response rate without language barrier

    People are highly likely to share their responses to a survey if it is in their native language. This is due to the comfort level of responding to a familiar language.

    Customers are willing to share their feedback– just not in one universal language. When we acknowledge the linguistic diversity of our customer base, we can bring in more responses from them.

    3. Minimize survey abandonment rate with a native language

    Minimal response rate is the culprit of inaccurate data. Multilingual surveys can have a significant impact on reducing survey abandonment rates. This approach can help to minimize language barriers that might otherwise deter non-native speakers from participating. When customers are comfortable expressing themselves in their native language, there will be a higher response rate from that specific demography.

    4. Recognize cultural differences to improve customer relationship building

    Companies can demonstrate that they value and respect the language and cultural preferences of their global audience base. This inclusivity can lead to a better understanding of customer needs and preferences. Moreover, multilingual surveys reduce the risk of miscommunication. Brands can also stand out as leaders in diversity and inclusivity- qualities that resonate with many customers seeking brands that align with their values.

    5. Identify business opportunities from diverse customer groups

    Multilingual surveys can help companies identify opportunities for growth and improvement within the specific communities. This information can be used to tailor marketing strategies and product offerings to better meet the needs of diverse customer groups. Brands can identify patterns and trends for that particular market and offer personalized solutions.

    6. Gain competitive advantage with a global appeal

    Catering to customers and seeking feedback in multiple languages is better than reinforcing a default language code (example assuming the use of English surveys for French and Spanish speakers). This gives organisations a competitive advantage over survey tools that only offer one or very limited language translations. This will not leave any target market behind. This can only happen with multilingual surveys.

    7 Best Practices for Creating Multilingual Surveys

    1. Understand your target audience

    This includes understanding the language preferences and cultural nuances of the specific communities you are surveying. You can tailor your questions and survey design to ensure that your message is clear, concise, and culturally sensitive. Revisit your customer profile prior to launching feedback protocols.

    2. Use a professional translation tool for accuracy

    A well equipped translation tool should have plenty of language options. While creating a single template, make sure you can translate survey questions into the preferred language. Merren CX offers this facility of translating your questions. Choose from over 90+ languages on the platform. 

    3. Ensure questions are kept in a simple language

    Avoid using complex language or technical jargon. This may cause confusion or lead to inaccurate responses. Jargons may not be well translated via most translation software. This can cause confusion among respondents. Use simple language that is easy to understand for all respondents.

    4. Ask for open-ended responses for self-expression

    Open-ended responses can provide valuable insights and allow customers to express their opinions in their own words. This will help to capture more nuanced feedback and ensure that respondents can express themselves fully.

    5. Demo test surveys and check for device compatibility

    When you demo test surveys, you can identify any errors in translation file, formatting, survey language, and device compatibility (browser, dynamic email, messenger apps). Marketers can launch smaller feedback forms among a target group before publishing their survey to a wider audience. It also provides an opportunity to receive feedback from a small group and make improvements based on their input.

    6. Get a robust survey platform for real time insights

    Choose a robust platform that offers flawless translation and a dashboard that can analyze results in real time based on different filters. Merren CX uses Google APIs to auto-translate the surveys. The supported languages include Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, French, Hindi and much more. Once translated, Merren clients can also review and edit translations for accuracy and correct context. This system of Google translate is more methodical and accurate over a human translator. This facility can help any team of people develop relevant marketing strategies across campaigns.

    7. Provide survey instruction in multiple languages

    It will be unfair to assume that all your respondents would know how to complete the survey till the end. To prevent churn during the completion process, provide brief and clear instruction in the respective language. This will ensure the feedback gets completed and respondents don’t feel lost.


    You can create a free online survey and translate it into multiple languages. Utilize a robust platform by Merren. Organisations can get access to multilingual survey tools, ready-made templates and easy to use navigation buttons. The interface is user friendly. Any marketing professional can now create a simple, free and easy online survey without any coding expertise.

    Discover the benefits of multilingual surveys. Take the next step and try our features for free. Sign up here and use the 14 day free trial and see it for yourself.

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