Senior-Focused Surveys Redefined: Leveraging WhatsApp for Market Research Success

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You are currently viewing Senior-Focused Surveys Redefined: Leveraging WhatsApp for Market Research Success

“We got responses through a WhatsApp chat amongst our TG, which might not otherwise have been possible.”

    • 400 respondents,

    • 4 days,

    • 5 cities

Industry Problem Solution Outcome
Senior-focussed product How to run a quantitative survey with a senior-citizen target group in five major Indian cities   A fully-automated WhatsApp-routed survey that immediately struck a chord with seniors Company validated its value proposition and arrived at optimum pricing

The client problem

Amid the first wave of COVID-19 that had the entire world under lockdown, there was only one way for a senior citizen company to provide needful services to its audience (age 55+) at a time of need. Test its value proposition among senior citizens across five major cities in different regions in India; and arrive at an optimum pricing based on a survey that measured uniqueness, likeability and intention to purchase based on their need. Question was – how?

The challenge ahead of us

Seniors in our country traditionally shy away from conventional online surveys and prefer offline communication and modes of purchase. However, in the peak of COVID-19, seniors especially with co-morbidities were the most vulnerable. Offline modes of communication or face- to-face surveys were not feasible. Only a platform that could overcome such challenges and reach the seniors in a way familiar to them would work.

A solution that cut through

Far ahead of time-consuming and expensive propositions, Merren zeroed in WhatsApp – a platform the seniors are active on and increasingly use keep in touch with family and friends. Merren crafted a customised WhatsApp routed survey that comprised:

    • 8 messages (that needed no response) that established uniqueness, need of the concept and established the intention to purchase

    • A 2-minute video that explained the concept and answered all questions

    • A price sensitivity meter that helped the company arrive at an optimum pricing

The survey immediately struck a chord with the target group. A friendly and interactive survey piqued the interest and gave them their due respect for their life experiences. Just what they wanted.

How we did it

The survey went live in

    • Middle of festive season

    • In five cities of Mumbai, Delhi, Lucknow, Surat and Coimbatore in India

    • The entire sample of 400 respondents was completed in 4 days

    • Incomplete rate was less than 20%

The results spoke for themselves

The client garnered unique insights, that helped them validate their value proposition in the markets of their choice, and finally arrive at an optimum pricing for their offering.